dimanche, août 29, 2004
  i have made a decision, and it is this:
This is the day NOT TO PACK.

I'm just too stressed and out-of-sorts about the whole thing. Yesterday I disconnected and took away my scanner, and wouldn't you know it, today I need to scan something (the need to scan mysteriously arises when you suddenly don't have a scanner with which to scan).

Christa Campbell called today. And I answered! My old roommate/friend from university and I have been playing phone tag for literally months. We were a little thrown off at first to actually be speaking LIVE. And she shares with me that she got engaged recently. WOOT! She and Jay have been together forEVER, so it's not shocking, but it's still big news. I wanted to scan in a pic of us back in the day for posting here, but alas, I am scanner-less.

So I've decided that Tuesday I shall move. And tomorrow I shall organize and pack.

Today. Today I will enjoy the little comforts of my life for just one more day. My computer. My stereo. My television. ALL of my dishes.

And Tuesday I will sleep on the floor wrapped in a blanket, snuggled up with Salsa, in my then-empty apartment. My bed will be gone. My desk will be gone. My computer will be packed. My stereo will be stored in Keri's dark basement. My dishes will be in the mail on their way to L'ville.

Wednesday is the-night-of-the-last-hurrah for Tone-L, Pammy and me (and whoever else decides they want to participate on what will be a school night for people-who-still-have-jobs-and-aren't-homeless-penniless-students). (By the way, I will be looking smashing that night since I will be indulging in my final salon-haircut before becoming one-of-those-people-who-doesn't-have-a-job.)

Thursday is the last supper with the family. Mashed potatoes and whatever. Because I get to pick the meal. And mashed potatoes are really all that matters.

Friday morning we fly. With the cat. And then we drive 2 hours. With the cat. And then we sleep in my no-bedroom-and-bedless apartment. Me. dilly d. And the cat.
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