lundi, septembre 06, 2004
  I'm here
We made it to Lennoxville safe and sound. There's so much to talk about I'm not sure where to start. I don't have my computer set up, and I'm using a little internet cafe in town (down the street from my place) to get caught up. They only had their "grand opening" yesterday, so we couldn't get in 'til now (internet wasn't working the first day). I cannot wait until my stuff gets here, so I can feel connected and entertained. Here are some of things I've had to buy (well, dilly d has actually contributed to the majority of my "start-up costs"): mattress (they're delivering tomorrow), television, small dresser, full-length mirror, various kitchen items (my dishes arrive with the rest of my stuff on Thursday).

It's very... odd... to be here. In a way it's very much the same as when I was last here seven years ago (even some familiar staff faces on campus), but a few things have changed, and the whole young-kids-partying-their-butts-off is interesting to take in from my ripe old age (heh). Yesterday I witnessed a young man positively spewing vomit on the steps of the furniture business right on Queen Street (the main street of L'ville). And last night was the first night of frosh week, so we were exposed to many loud chants ("let's get fucked up"?), and numerous renditions of the school song (raise a toast to Bishop's University, on the mighty Massawippi shore).

In other news, we're not too impressed with our rental car. It's a Ford Focus, and the engine has sounded a little clunky since we started out. And then the "check engine" light came on two days ago and won't go off. The rental company told dilly d that it's simply because the car is overdue for an oil change, but we're not really sold on that. Thanks alot for the peace of mind, eh! dilly d is a little worried about the drive back to Montreal tomorrow. At least she has AMA.

It took us close to an hour just to get out of Montreal on Friday. We were positively exhausted from not sleeping the night before (me because of my last-hurrah-partying, and dilly d just 'cause she was late getting packed). Apparently I just reeked of booze when we flew out. How classy. How nice for my fellow travellers. Whatever - I'm a student! Anyway, the exhaustion did not contribute to a positive mood for being stuck in Montreal traffic. Go. Go. STOP. Go. Go. STOP. Sheesh.

Anyway, my time's just about up, so I'm going to take off and finish my coffee.
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