jeudi, octobre 14, 2004
  take this job and shove it...
Yup, I quit.

Of course, I'm still working this weekend. And maybe the next.

Actually, I think ONE weekend is all they get. But he asked for more. Sheesh. Cash-strapped as I will be without income, it's hard to say no, but then I remember that I FAILED A MIDTERM and this job is VERY HARD WORK, and I know I must re-claim my weekends for myself.

We didn't get our politics midterms back today. I'm SO impatient to find out if I did well, since that one was my best one, I thought. I did stop and chat with Bill (our cute instructor) after class. It's funny, because most of the people in the class are first-year, so he was talking to me a little bit like I was some stupid kid (I was asking questions about our research papers). I was tempted to say, "I'm not in first year! I'm NOT eighteen; I'm thirty, damnit!". But I didn't. What is it about being older that you feel like you need to talk down to people you perceive as younger...?

Tomorrow our paper is due in the History of Psychology. So I'm finishing it up this afternoon. Tomorrow I'm also having a hard-core tutorial session with Scott, our Java-genius T.A. We have a midterm next week, and I'm NOT so good with the Java yet.
Java Popup Window Example

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