jeudi, novembre 04, 2004
  don't you worry we'll all float on
In case you're wondering, my midterms went fairly well yesterday. Perception was multiple choice, so I wasn't positive on all my responses, but I think I did okay. The Java midterm was a little harder, but I think I did pretty well anyway. I was frustrated because I couldn't get a couple things to work (the nice thing about programming is being able to test your code immediately and know whether you got it right). But how can I modify this variable when it's a private variable of another class...? I know what you're thinking: Stacey! Mutator methods! I just blanked out on that one apparently...Thank goodness for the D-factor - he gave me a hint.

Scott was nice enough to take me for dinner and drinks in N. Hatley after the midterm (we both skipped our 4:30 classes - shh!).

Now I move directly into the next phase of crisis management. Tomorrow is part two of the Perception exam - essay questions. And another Testing midterm tomorrow - a subject I struggle with (does anyone care about the standard error of the variance...?). I'll be focussing more on Testing this time, since I failed the midterm last time. Two classes this morning and then I hit the books.
Java Popup Window Example

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