jeudi, novembre 25, 2004
  i like the Swedes
In an earlier post I mentioned that my friend mis is from Sweden (as of now I'm changing his name to CP, though). Last night CP was teaching me a little about the Swedish language. Did you know they have three more vowels than we do in English? He taught me to count to seven - more, I think, as a test of whether I could actually pronounce the odd-sounding words than anything. I had some trouble with seven. I swore it had an "L" on the end, but apparently it did not. "Houle". But no L. Or something...

They also roll the Rs in Sweden. I'm all over that, due to my years of French training.

He also told me that the letters in IKEA actually stand for something. Maybe people know that, but I had no idea. It's not "Swedish for cheap", contrary to what you may have heard...! The letters are the initials of the founder, along with the initial letters of his hometown or something...

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