mardi, novembre 02, 2004
  midterm report, part x++
I didn't fail my Java midterm. Woot!

Since I walked out of that exam having litle confidence about my performance, my standards were pretty low... Luckily in this class the teacher has what he calls the "D-factor" - the Dimitri factor: he adjusts your final grade depending on what he sees as your level of effort and understanding, not just how well you perform on exams, etc. He knows I'm working my butt off, so hopefully that pays off. Tomorrow is the practical part (take two).

Also tomorrow is my second Perception midterm, multiple choice part. The rest of this day is devoted to studying.

(And election watching, just a little!) Go Bush! (as in, GO AWAY, GO HOME, GO BACK TO THE RANCH.)
Java Popup Window Example

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