lundi, novembre 22, 2004
  more positive feedback
If I could stay... then the night would give you up
(I've re-discovered U2's "Stay" this week.)

Woot! I got 82% on my Testing Project! It's worth 15% of my final, so 12.6. This is most reassuring to me, since this is my hard class, and I'm not all that confident about the quality of my statistical analysis. That's actually where I lost the majority of my marks - on the results section, which was quite blatantly lacking in significant content. I got marks for the extra work I put into the Discussion section.

When I went to see McKelvie prior to handing this in, we discussed a dude with a theory of field-dependence vs. independence. It's basically a theory that certain people possess traits that vary depending on situational cues. I believe that. Since this test was a measure of intraversion-extraversion, and I find myself in an environment these days where I'm not especially extraverted (not that extreme extraversion is my typical personality style anyway, but the fact that I'm surrounded by people significantly outside my peer range contributes to this becoming highlighted), so my score on that measure was pretty low. So I made this argument about being field dependent, etc. He liked it. Thumbs up for me.

After meeting with my "partner" for the next project (which is worth a bigger chunk of my final mark - 30%), I'm not feeling great about his ability to contribute (the blind leading the blind...?), so I'm planning to work somewhat independently of him and hopefully get a decent mark. This one is much harder, though, involving a software program to analyze the stats that I am not familiar with (I've got seven years of knowledge attrition here). McKelvie gave us an extension, so I've got a week to come up with that. Man.

I am seriously falling behind on my reading these days too. But my friend Andy gave me this piece of advice yesterday:
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.

I like it.
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