samedi, novembre 20, 2004
  wild Saturday night
So tonight my best friends are having their housewarming party in Calgary. I talked to them a while ago when frou called from their front door wondering what their number was, since the doorbell didn’t seem to be working and she needed to be let in…! Luckily the discovered her outside and let her in, so I got to say hello to the hosts. Man oh man I wish I could be there. Homesick is a state of mind I’m beginning to understand all too well these days.

Scott is having a little post-festival fest at his place tonight (they hosted an “installfest” on campus for Linux today; unless you’re serious about computers, that might not mean much to you…), so I could be out socializing. But, since he lives in North Hatley and that’s a 15-minute drive away, and I’m without a vehicle or a sober friend to drive me home, I would be stuck there overnight, and, well, I don’t like being stuck anywhere overnight. Exit strategies are my friends.

So I’m hanging out at home. I painted my nails (I’m all about changing my nail colour these days – it’s v-e-r-y exciting, don’t you know), and now I’m chatting with my friend miserable online. He’s from Sweden, you know, and he’s in his last year Bishop’s, too. And well, he’s had quite a shitty time lately. His father died quite unexpectedly recently, and because of various complicating factors, mis couldn’t even go home to be with his family for the funeral and stuff. I was telling him that he seems to cope pretty well, ‘cause on the surface he’s pretty stable and calm. But I still have this strange urge to wrap him up in a big hug a lot of the time. Only, well, we just met recently and that would be weird, of course.

I keep meaning to do some homework this weekend. I’ve been kinda unintentionally slacking off the past several days due to the mini-burnout I seem to be suffering from. But I think I’m turning the corner and am just about ready to ramp up for my big finish.

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