dimanche, janvier 30, 2005
  history's cool, man
The class I'm enjoying the most so far this semester is my 20th Century World history class. It is taught by Dr. Michael Childs, and although I think history has the potential to be fairly dry, this professor makes it interesting (I can't help but compare him to Professor Manore who teaches my other history class; she isn't quite so effective at keeping my attention...).

In much the same way I "discovered" a new interest in politics last semester, I believe that history is another area that held very little interest for me when I was 20, but now I just find it fascinating. I mean, we're learning about colonisation, industrialisation, liberalism, nationaliam, World War 1, the Russian Revolution - and these are surprisingly interesting to me. All of the historical references I've heard thoughout my life, which I might have had a vague knowledge of but never really knew what their significance was - all of a sudden I understand and it all makes sense. Truly fascinating. I really can't wait to learn more (dork!).
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