mercredi, janvier 19, 2005
  show some respect
I was totally sympathizing with my Cognitive prof today. Dr. Standing is a bit of a cranky old man with some odd habits. Before I ever took a class with him I'd heard that if you were ever late for class, or made noise during a class, he would just silently glare at you until you got settled.

Today the young woman in front of me was doing various self-organizing projects during class. I saw her making numerous notes in a little "to-do" book and not really paying close attention to the lecture. But it was a little over the top when she got out her mini tape-gun (student-size, not really gun-ish at all, but the same dispenser-style). Mid-lecture, in a very quiet classroom, this woman starts loudly pulling off a piece of tape. Well, Standing came over and addressed her directly about a point he was making in the lecture, as if to say, can you keep it down? but she didn't GET IT, and continued to gradually yank this very loud roll of tape in order to secure a piece. I then observed her use it put a little label on the aforementioned organizer-book - something about "various things to do". I could tell that Dr. Standing was really quite distracted and irritated with her, and I think he could have rightfully asked her to attend to her personal tasks after the class was over. But he didn't.

This fits into a more general theme that I observe fairly regularly in the kids at school - this general sense that they don't really appreciate the benefit of being in school. I was definitely like that at one point myself, but as a "mature", serious student, I find it bothers me quite a bit these days. Little things like people wandering in and out of class during lectures. The maximum class time (during the day) is just under 90 minutes - surely nothing is that urgent that you can't wait until class is over to attend to it. I tend to think it's a newfound power that the young people feel - the lack of requirement to ask for permission to go to the washroom. Anyway, it's distracting and annoying.

Do I sound old?
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