lundi, février 14, 2005
  I found an ace that I could keep
(sing it, Kenny)

I was pretty tired today. I'm such a lightweight - last night's casual poker game involved me drinking a bit of wine, and although I was feeling okay today, I could have used a bit more sleep.

The good news is that I won fifty dollars (minus the ten dollar buy-in). Not too shabby. I like poker. But Scott says that, statistically, the way I play is all wrong. I never fold before I see the flop, people. Even when you have shitty cards, how do you know that there won't be a corresponding shitty flop until you buy in and see? I dunno. Maybe in Vegas my methods wouldn't fly. We play for small pots here in L'ville.

School updates:
I handed in my essay outline in NA-1860 today. It was 5 days late, but w/e - I'm not superwoman - I couldn't get it all done last week.
I got back my essay outline in 20th Century World. He gave me 7 out of 10. Not great, but decent. I neglected to provide an explanation of the "structure" of my paper. I maintain that since I'm not actually writing the paper yet, the structure is yet to be determined. I just don't write that way, dude.
My Mexico/WWII book arrived in the mail. Now I've got more research material for that paper.
I have a 20th Century World midterm on Friday.
I visited my Cognitive prof on Friday to have my references reviewed for that term paper. He gave me 90. That works out to 3.6 out of 4 on my final mark. I'm not sure how I could have done better on that little "assignment". He told me my references looked excellent and stuff - so why not a perfect mark...? Dunno.

My time is more flexible this week - nothing DUE. Just lots and lots of research to get moving on for those lots and lots of papers that must be written eventually.
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