lundi, avril 11, 2005
  poker recap
We had a good night. Fun. I came home with more than I left with.

Devin made his famous nacho dip, so we had lots of chips. And wine. And Jell-o shooters.

Some people should have had a little more to eat and a little less to drink. This conversation made me laugh, despite my concern for my friend.

Joe* says: I don't know wnere my kets are...
Stacey says: kets?
Joe says: keys
Stacey says: heh
Joe says: I'm pretty bad right now
Stacey says: i'm worried about you
Joe says: need auir
Joe says: do't ne worried
Joe says: I'kk be fie
Joe says: fuck
Joe says: I'll be fine
Stacey says: be careful
Joe says: I'll trt
Joe says: try
Joe says: don;'t worrry about me
Stacey says: man
Stacey says: keep moving and drink water
Joe says: eyah
Joe says: outisfe is better
Joe says: going for a walk
Joe says: tyl
Joe says: see youi tomorrow
Stacey says: good night
Joe says: I can't talk, or write...
Joe says: it's really bad
Stacey says: i know
Stacey says: i'm worried about you (repeat)
Joe says: 9FON'T WORRY)
Joe says: iLL BE FINE
Joe says: H(funcking caps-l,ock)
Stacey says: ok
Joe says: I will go for a walk and it'll dop me some good. Talk to you tomorrow
Joe says: I rank way toom uch
Joe says: those jello shooters are catchi gup to me

*name changed to protect identity of drunken fool
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