mercredi, avril 27, 2005
  the problem with parties
On CBC radio this morning they're interviewing key figures regarding the latest happenings on the sponsorship gongshow. Jack Layton was on, clarifying his position regarding the deal with the Liberals on the budget amendments. And the other big story these days is the role of the "independents" in a potential no-confidence vote. They talked to to two of the three MPs who represent constituents without belonging to a particular political party. And both said they would have to wait and see what the voters in their ridings indicated before they would decide how to vote.

I thought that was a pretty novel concept: MPs voting according to their constituents' wishes on matters...! I think it would be interesting to hear how many Conservative MPs have ridings in which the voters do not want to bring down the government yet. Or vice versa: how many people in Liberal ridings that want to go to the polls soon. I think we should have a referendum on the matter, and not leave this decision up to the leaders of the opposition parties. That would be cool.
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