jeudi, avril 14, 2005
  report on student life
I know you're probably wondering why I haven't really posted anything about what's going on here in L'ville lately, so I'm going to update you now.

Classes ended, but I'm still grinding out the last few assignments. I saw cute Bill today and although he acted reluctant to buy my reasons for handing in the paper late, he still accepted it, and I don't think he'll deduct late marks. My political analysis paper turned out alright, but I don't think it was the best I could do. Of course, other than Professor Manore, I am my toughest critic, so who knows.

I had a creative writing assignment due yesterday for my NA-1860 class. Yeah, a fictional writing assignment for a history class. I've chosen to write about a Canadian woman living on a farm with her two young children during World War II, while her husband is fighting in Europe. She is actually writing letters to her sister, discussing how she is coping with farm life without a man around. The hard part for her is actually when he comes home and she all of a sudden is made to feel obsolete.

We're supposed to focus on one of the course "themes", so I chose a gender conflict. My fictional woman (Gladys) writes to her sister (Lois) how frustrating she finds it to be relegated back to the kitchen and light household duties, after managing the farm independently for the years her husband (Martin) was away.

It's a bit of a fun assignment, I suppose. I'm using a mish-mash of family history to put this story together, since my mother and step-father both grew up on farms, and my father's father worked as a mechanic on the planes at the flight school in Chatham, NB. I had a few telephone conversations tonight getting some of the details. I'm even using some of the real names of these extended family members. Gladys, Lois, Martin, Frank, Clarissa: all real people, just assigned new characters in my silly project.

In other news, I still haven't made any preparations to leave town. I'm hoping to stay in L'ville for maybe a week after exams end to enjoy a bit of down time and hang out with my friends. Devin and I might take a quick trip to Montreal. I've been saying how it's too bad I'm out of money because it would be nice to spend a bit of time here in the East visiting my father in Moncton and just relaxing for a bit. Alas, I must head straight West and begin the job hunt. Is is terrible that I'm not looking forward to that at all right now...?
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