lundi, juillet 25, 2005
  multiply life by the power of two
This weekend I had it in my head that I needed to go to Michael's (an art & craft supply store) and find myself a hobby. Knitting? Jewellery-making? Painting? Scrapbooking?

I thought there was a Michael's out at Crowfoot Centre, but Gina and I drove around the entire area and didn't find one. Finally we checked a phone book and learned that there are only two in Calgary - one in the West and one w-a-y down South (we were northwest at this point). So we visited Rona and Petland instead. The highlight / lowlight of the Petland visit was observing one puppy gobble up the poop straight out of his roommate's butt. What is with puppies and their urge to eat shit...?

After that failed attempt to get to a craft store, I tried again the next day. This time Caia was my shopping companion. At 6 years of age, miss Caia has quite the creative side and enjoys doing crafts, so I thought it might be fun for her to see all the stuff they have at a crafty store like Michael's. We browsed ALL of the aisles, taking in the overwhelming amount of supplies and picking up some fun kids' craft stuff.

Since I helped pick out all the craft supplies, I decided to dive right in with the kids and do some crafts when we got home. We had purchased some small wood pieces designed for assembling, gluing and painting, so we (Ella, Kyle, Caia and me) each sat down to create a masterpiece. Ella mainly splashed dirty paint water on her wood piece, so she has a mostly wet-looking ladybug creation. Kyle seemed intent on setting the world record for most popsicle sticks glued together (blue, orange, blue, orange, etc.). Caia quickly painted up several nice pieces - a flower, a butterfly, a ladybug - and stuck the letters of her name on the backs of them (we bought foam letter stickers). I made a little house out of a few small pieces. We all had fun with the crafts, I think.

I know what you're thinking, though. Did I find a hobby or not! Umm, nope. I didn't buy one thing for myself. If I were going to get a crafty hobby, the ones in my head that seem most appealing are maybe soap-making (is that even a craft?) or jewellery making (not hemp, but silver and beads..?). But maybe I better just stick with piano-playing. No special equipment required. Oh, except a piano. I need to get one of those...
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