mercredi, juillet 06, 2005
  we drift deeper into the sound
Twice since I've started jogging I've gotten all ambitious and run a much longer run than my manageable 3.5 km / 20 minute loop. Both times it has knocked me on my ass, in a manner of speaking. This past Sunday I tried a new loop. I thought running from 19th Street to 14th Street would be a fairly short run - sounds like five blocks, no? Alas, there are numerous non-numbered streets along that route that I was not aware of, so my run was longer than I thought it would be. For the first time I actually had to stop and walk a short section - that's something I really try to avoid.

When I measured it later with Fred, the distance covered was 5.0 km, minus the 0.3 that I walked. I ran a 4.7 km run in about 30 minutes. And I've been zonked ever since. It doesn't help that work has been ultra-stressful this week and I'm not sleeping so well.

Also, a new lawyer started at the firm on Monday and I'm supposed to be his assistant, in addition to working for Stacey. Yesterday I finally had to tell our office manager / supervisor that I simply couldn't do all the work being dumped on me, so she took all his stuff and found other assistants to help him out. Some assistant I am, eh.

I've been pretty unhappy at work this week. My desk is just plastered with papers, files, closing books, documents from last week's closings waiting to be assembled in new closing books, and I basically sit there feeling paralyzed with stress, not knowing where to start, especially since Stacey is at my desk every ten minutes with something that must be done right now. We're in the fire-fighting business, and there's never time to get caught up and organized.

I'm not sure if it'll all be worth it next week when I get my first paycheque. Cash does not really balance out the quality of life you live everyday at work, I don't think. At least when I jog the results mean something. Running around like a fool in the office is, well, foolish.
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