samedi, août 27, 2005
  high hopes we had for the future
There are a couple good pieces in the New York Times today. The first one, Memo to U.S.: Pay Attention to Canada addresses a bit about the issues concerning the softwood lumber dispute, which he points out, "garner front-page play in the Canadian papers and no play at all in the American papers". He goes on to discuss the oil deposits in northern Alberta, how there is likely to be a better supply here than in Saudi Arabia. And notes that Vice President Dick Cheney is supposed to
...visit the oil sands next month. Memo to Mr. Cheney: Can you settle the softwood lumber dispute while you're there? With all that oil, do we really want Canada mad at us?
He's got a good point.

Maureen Dowd writes an excellent opinion piece about the Iraq debacle and Shrub's continued oblivion to the growing anxiety of the American people about "staying the course", comparing the sentiment to 1968.
The No. 1 music video requested on MTV is Green Day's antiwar song, "Wake Me Up When September Ends," about the pain of soldiers and their families. On Sunday, Joan Baez sang peace anthems at Camp Casey, including "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" The N.F.L. did not cancel its sponsorship of the Rolling Stones tour, even though the band has a new song critical of Mr. Bush and the war.
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