mardi, août 30, 2005
  it must be for something more than vanity
I was early for work today because I took Fred into the shop this morning and caught the bus from Centre Street North. I proceeded to run my ass off in the office because we've got a LOT of stuff going on. Yesterday I didn't even take a lunch break. The good news is that Client A is closed. That's the private placement I'm investing in. We'll issue a press release announcing the closing tomorrow probably. Also today are the shareholder meetings to get approval on the amalgamation of Client B and Client C. We'll issue a press release shortly on that one too. It's all very exciting, don't you know.

So Fred's getting new brakes today. It's Phase II of car repairs. Phase III will be the muffler issue - it's getting pretty rumbly. Since today is payday, I'm getting stuff done. In addition to repairs, I got my car re-registered. But with an outstanding parking ticket and the fee to change my address on my driver's license, the grand total was $130. Ouch.

It seems that I have lots of expenses lately, so this paycheque will be gone pretty quickly. It kinda sucks when you have to keep dishing out cash for stuff like damage deposits and car repairs and insurance premiums. Since I had 10 hours of overtime this month, my cheque was pretty generous. But yesterday I learned a good reason not to work late. When they're calling for "evening showers" and you don't bring your umbrella (or even a jacket!), well, you're going to get wet. The walk from the train to my apartment is short, but I managed to get drenched. Good times, man.
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