vendredi, septembre 02, 2005
  nothing's really making any sense at all; let's talk
Last night I worked until 7:30. Which was okay, because I took a proper lunch break (Starbucks with Persuade for some catch-up after her trip to Trinidad). Stacey rolled her chair out to my cube and we sat down with three or four precedent AIFs (filed by other oil and gas companies) to try and re-write the "Business of the Corporation" section of our client's AIF which was desperately in need of help. Unfortunately, our client, the oil and gas company in question, has not been terribly motivated to assist us with this. So you've got two young women who know nothing about their industry (the "well servicing" business, to be precise) trying to write somewhat authoritatively about coil tubing units and double service rigs. Yikes.

Stacey wanted to take me for some drinks after work so we headed down to Dakota's for some unwinding. She was meeting friends at Mynt "Ultra-lounge" and invited me to tag along. The result of the late night was that I made no progress on any party prep. Tonight I'll be up late baking cheesecakes. Tomorrow morning I'll shop for decorations and put them up in the afternoon, while simultaneously mixing punch. Party starts at 5:00.

We managed to find some language that was generic enough to apply to our client's business. Just so you know, that's a lot of what lawyers do when drafting documents - look for somebody who's done it before. No re-inventing the wheel. It's a little like plagiarizing, but not, somehow. Dunno. So we sent out our creation to the client to make sure we weren't lying about their business practices. And we further edited this morning, then sent it off to the lawyers on the other side of the financing offering that we're doing concurrently for their sign-off. Anyway.

Thank God it's a long weekend, is all I have to say. I need a break from these coil tubing units.
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