lundi, novembre 07, 2005
  come and tell me something new about you, baby
I really like that show "Grey's Anatomy". Tonight's episode was really good, but kinda heart-wrenching. Poor Meredith is walking around in a daze after her boyfriend dumped her for his wife..(!) Imagine meeting a guy who acts like he's available only to find out that a woman from his past isn't quite done with him yet. And she wins. Ouch.

I've been doing some re-organizing and cleaning up today - the kind of settling in that a person usually does soon after moving into a new place. I hung pictures and mirrors, I moved a bunch of furniture, I vacuumed. I have my own tool box, so I got out my hammer and level and pounded in lots of nails and made sure stuff was hung nice and straight. I've decided that I need a few more tools, though. First, a drill. And second, a stud finder. Is that what it's called - "stud finder"? That could have multiple meanings... Well, I do need to find me some studs... I still need to put up some shelves, but my place is looking a lot better already.

...a "holding pattern" is a flight path which can be repeated until the aircraft has been granted clearance for landing...
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