vendredi, juillet 14, 2006
  Calgary Stampede Report: Day 7
Okay, this is all getting a little bit silly. Cowgirls need their sleep, too, you know!
What happened is this: I went to the rodeo with some people from my company. I was dragging my ass a bit from the previous night, so I sipped coffee quietly while watching the cowboys strut their stuff. Once again, I averted my eyes during the calf-roping. I find it interesting that a lot of people do the same - makes you wonder if they might eventually stop including that event, because, as one woman said, "it's upsetting to watch". Seriously.

The rodeo IS a great show. It's a really slick production with emcees and music cued up to reflect the performance of the cowboys ("'re simply the best...") I enjoy the entertainment.

Anyway, I'm not exactly chummy with my current co-workers, so I was mostly keeping to myself. We were sitting in the "clubhouse" section of the grandstand, sheltered from the elements behind huge windows. But as I looked below me in the outdoor section of the seating area, I could see my ex-co-workers from BW almost directly in front of me. As the rodeo was wrapping up, I made a break for it and went down to say hello. Turned out it was perfect timing on my part, because they were rounding everybody up to head to Coyote's so I ditched my group and tagged along - shh!

We proceeded to put in a solid session at Coyote's. Check out my pics here - you gotta SEE what the servers are wearing these days. May as well just show up in your underwear...! I had a really fun night. The BW people are a cool bunch.
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