mardi, août 01, 2006
  it's gonna take a long time to love; it's gonna take a lot to hold on
Well, here is August. Big things will happen this month.

"Are you excited?

Not exactly. This whole process of complete upheaval and starting over is an overwhelming one, and even just sorting out the details in my head takes all my energy and focus, you could say. Plus, I don't really want to get all apprehensive and put pressure on the situation. It might suck, you know. I mean, I want it to be as awesome as I think it can be ('cause that's why I'm doing this, duh), but I like to be prepared and have a realistic point of view. So there will be no great excitement expressed just yet. We'll see how things go this month.

Step one: I dropped off the letter giving notice on my apartment to my landlord. Good day for it, too, since Devin seems to have had a verbal altercation with the dude earlier yesterday. Ah well...

Step two: Last night I commenced my "driving lessons". You see, froo's car, which I'll be driving to Ottawa, is a standard. And although I took some lessons on a standard in second year university (so, umm, TWELVE years ago), I haven't driven one since. Luckily, Jamie lives nearby and said I could practice on his little car, so Devin coached me through the beginning steps. I drove round and round (and round!) the parking lot of a high school in the neighbourhood. The verdict: not bad, but I need a lot more practice time.

Other developments: Salsa visited the vet this weekend. Since, at twelve years of age, she's now considered a "senior" cat (my baby!), I need to make sure she stays in tip-top shape. Other than her teeth needing a cleaning, she seems to be doing fine. Apparently most cats end up developing some type of kidney failure or diabetes, so the vet also recommended some special low-protein food for her. I'm happy to make that investment for her. Now if only the teeth-cleaning business wasn't such a costly one - I'm not sure we have that in the budget. I might get a quote from another vet.

Step three: I will be resigning on Thursday. I'm a little nervous about that, because I know my boss will be disappointed / irritated. So be it, eh.

In lighter news, we are planning a fun camping trip this weekend in Salmon Arm, back at the same campground we visited mid-July. This time Keri, Gina and the kids are joining us (and maybe Jamie), so it will be a good little group adventure.
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