jeudi, septembre 21, 2006
  even though the gods are crazy
Last week when I was standing in line at the bookstore to make a gazillion dollar purchase in the textbook-buying scam imposed on students (okay, it was only $400, but still), I overheard the following conversation between two girls behind me:

GirlOne: I got my dad set up on a new cellphone plan; I found him a really good deal!
GirlTwo: oh! I did that for my dad recently too!
GirlOne: honestly, my dad is so clueless when it comes to these things...
GirlTwo: seriously, mine too
GirlOne: like, he just goes for anything that sounds like a deal. He thought that "anytime minutes" really meant ANYTIME.
GirlTwo: ha ha ha

I officially belong to the club of the clueless. I certainly did not know that "anytime minutes" were not actually anytime minutes. But yeah, how did I not figure that out?!
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