mercredi, octobre 25, 2006
  just one more ass that got stuffed in some jeans
Ottawa awash in surplus cash
Ottawa is running a $6.7-billion budget surplus five months into the fiscal year, $2-billion ahead of where it stood one year ago.

This poses a political dilemma for Ottawa, but also appears to give Finance Minister Jim Flaherty more spending room to address provincial cries about a fiscal imbalance between Ottawa and the provinces and to deliver tax cuts.

However, it's also potentially embarrassing for the Conservative Party, which vowed to end the former Liberal government's practice of lowballing surplus estimates.

"Two good things are happening, I think. One is, that our budget predictions are on track and we're doing okay there," he told reporters after a speech in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. "Secondly, we're controlling spending, and that hasn't happened in Ottawa in quite a while. It makes a difference."
This is so annoying, this whole idea that if if happens to somebody else they're doing something wrong, but if it happens to us, it's because we're doing something right. How about you guys give us back our tax money then? That's the most insulting of all of this bullshit reform by Stephen Harper - "here's a lower GST rate, but when you're distracted by that, I'm going to tax your paycheque more". Good one, Stephen, you really fooled us.
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