jeudi, octobre 12, 2006
  tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
I think this situation demonstrates just how much of a stupid world we live in. Michael Ignatieff, and now the entire slate of Liberal leadership candidates, are being called "anti-Israel" by Stephen Harper. Why is it that we cannot criticize the actions of a fellow democratic nation? Why is it that any criticism of Israel becomes some huge affront? I get the sense that Israel is off-limits because of the danger of wading into anti-Jewish territory. Can a person not be anti-Israel without being anti-Jew? Why must be tiptoe around this issue?

I'm always suspicious of Harper when it comes to expressing an opinion like this. Is this his true opinion, or does he just feel the need to state a position in keeping with that of our buddies in the White House?

Obviously Michael Ignatieff is not a stupid man. He's new to politics so he gets himself in trouble for calling it like he sees it, but that doesn't make him unfit for the job. Not that I have an opinion regarding who should be the next Liberal party leader - I don't know enough about the candidates to have a position.
In an apparent effort to make amends, Ignatieff told reporters that while he is a friend of Israel he is a "critical friend of Israel."

He added that "where crimes were visited on Israeli civilians, they were visited on Lebanese civilians."
It just doesn't make sense that his observations on this recent dispute become such a story. Jeebus.
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