mardi, octobre 24, 2006
  you said that you had said all that you had to say
Some observations on term-paper writing:

In class the other day, the dude in front of me had some notes from his tutorial where the TA gave tips for this paper. When I asked him about it, he told me that one thing he found out that he didn't know was that we needed to use at least five authoritative sources. It was like he had planned to use fewer. This baffles me a bit - I probably over-research so I end up with at least ten references, and usually review twice that number.

Sometimes, when you're running late on getting the work done (like me most of the time), you're more focussed on number of words than the content. That's not to say that I produce crappy work, but I'm constantly using the "Word Count" feature in Word to assess my progress rather than whether I've made all my points. Typically my papers still rock, though, it must be said...

I'm overly snack-ish today. Food is my friend.
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