vendredi, mars 30, 2007
  there's no other way when it comes to the truth
I took Salsa to the vet this week and she got to undergo a group of tests called "Feline Geriatric Profile". Since she's approaching 13 years of age, she's considered pretty old for her kind. I took her in mainly for a dental exam because she's got some issues, but the vet said other than the two teeth needing extractions, the rest look good for her age. Poor Salsa, though, she had to get poked and prodded and needled, and wasn't even allowed to eat breakfast (!) before going. This morning I got to hear the results of her bloodwork. My baby is showing the early signs of kidney disease. I've been doing some reading and thinking and trying to absorb that information. Is it always the case that just when you realize how much you count on something to be there is when you'll have to face losing it..?

Speaking of the morbid, last month I had a dream that I died. I was wandering around the places I usually would and kinda just realized that I was dead. I tried talking to people, calling my family, but the only one who could hear me was Devin. As I stood there panicking and trying to figure out how I would get out of the situation, I realized that I had no way out. Devin sat there looking grim, not wanting to confirm it for me, until I asked if there was already a funeral scheduled. Yes, he said. And I knew I had no choice but to accept it.

Now that dream kinda freaked me out.
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