samedi, mai 26, 2007
  you know I love you but I'm playing for keeps
What I did when I came to Ottawa was bring some NHL playoff luck to the team here. It wasn't enough that I lived through Red Mile madness in Calgary three years ago - I have to experience it all again in my new hometown. I'll keep you posted on "Sens Mile" activities, but for now, here are some pics from the big rally this past Thursday. You people in Calgary, don't hate us for the tropical weather we had when it was snowing out there; we had a bit of a heatwave this week, so everyone's looking pretty summer-y for the hockey event.

I work right across the street from City Hall, where the rally was held out front in an area they call "Festival Plaza" - lots of space to rally and stuff. I got there when it was winding down, so the crowd had thinned out quite a bit from the peak lunch hour crowd, but it was pretty cool to see all the stuff they had going. In that photo, you can see where they coloured the water in the fountain to red - nifty. I wandered around and settled into a little spot near the stage which turned out to be a prime location for witnessing the mayor come in on a fancy retro firetruck (?). This video shows how it went down.
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