jeudi, octobre 04, 2007
  I can't tell dreams from truth
You know what I don't like?

I check the online People magazine site almost daily for my fix of celebrity news. They update their photos everyday with about 15 new shots of celebrities doing this or that from the day before. Lately it seems like so many shots are behind-the-scenes on movie sets. For movies that won't come out for a very long time...! They're filming the Sex & the City movie in New York right now, so they've had plenty of shots of the cast hanging out in fabulous clothes, but yesterday they showed a shot of Carrie (the main character if you don't know) in a wedding dress. Is that not a movie spoiler..?! Thumbs down.

You know what I like?

You know there's a provincial election happening soon in Ontario, right..? I'm not terribly familiar with Ontario politics and wasn't really planning to make any kind of effort to get registered or vote (the referendum question does interest me, though). But somehow the voter registration people have me on their list already and without me even having to do anything, I got a voting card in the mail. To make things even easier for me, the card indicates that I am to vote in my own apartment building. I could go down in my pyjamas...! (But I won't.) (I will vote, however.)
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