mercredi, novembre 07, 2007
  no one sees me but the silver moon
Devin's workplace is having a bake sale tomorrow for a United Way fundraiser. I was trying to help him out with a volunteer contribution tonight by making a classic (in our family), "fudgy brownies". But, um, our oven kind of sucks in this apartment, so it's hard to know just how long stuff is going to take to cook. I kept checking and checking and the brownies were still gooey, so finally I took them out when the edges seemed pretty cooked. I let them cool and went back much later to cut them into bakesale-sized pieces. Only to realize they were still very, very gooey. Argh.

So I put them back in the oven for a while. They're cooling now but I'm afraid to check them. I suspect they're kinda messed up.

I used to be such a good baker...
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